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Epostlenaut Website, GoFundMe and YouTube Channel Launched

September 2020

We celebrated the start of the new year with a group outing to our favorite ramen restaurant. Within two months, we were forced to close our studio site in mid-March due to the COVID-19 outbreak that was hitting New Jersey. As infection rates were one of the highest in the nation at that time, our plans for 2020 were put on indefinite hold. With schedule and life changes, it became increasingly difficult for our group members to collaborate and stay motivated to continue our ministry work. Would this crisis shut us down before launching our website? The pandemic may have separated our group physically, but not in spirit. God reminded us to persevere with our mission because everyone needed God’s love more than ever. His Word reminds us to stand firm in faith for these are the growing signs of the End Times.

With renewed spirit, our group reorganized our plans for 2020. Efforts were focused on completing content for our web launch and YouTube channel. In addition, we focused on gathering funds for donating to our partners at Soweto Academy. News of destruction caused by flooding in Kenya prompted the needs for emergency funds, especially for reestablishing the only clinic in the area. As a result, we redesigned our website to align with our GoFundMe launch for Soweto’s need. By Labor day weekend, we officially launched our website, GoFundMe campaign, and YouTube Channel.


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